♥ Monday, March 31, 2008@9:38 PM
First time blogging - Have to nurse the heart.
Hi guys.This is my first time blogging :)
So if this blg have areas to improve , just leave a msg ^^ and remember to tag ^^
The day of Sorrow, this day.
The Ocean will not evaporate in time,
as I won't stop for anything,
besides love.
Everything I do,
noone will notice,
even a slight twitch.
I have waited for eternity in the cage of darkness.
Are they looking for me?
Am I forgotten for eternity?
Truth is what everyone wants,
yet they show naught but lies on their faces.
The very thought that drive them,
is quite naive.
Even though it is bright,
my mind and heart is clouded in darkness.
The only thing that drives me,
is the mere power of Love.
Without which, my life will be empty.
Love means a lot to me,
it's radiant innocence bathe me with the thought of pursuing...
Text by me.
Experience the meaning,
then you will know the power of Love,
The thing that reforms me.
Right by my side,
is the Angel and the Devil.
Which side should i listen to?
Angel of Love? Devil of Hate?
I am somewhere in between them now,
I fear that i will slip into hate.
DBSK - Jinwei (: